Courtesy: Idiva | Posted by Sedusa | Image courtesy:©Thinkstock photos/ Getty images

There’s a difference between full-blown sex and a quickie. A few tips to enjoy the former in all its mind-blowing glory.

Change foreplay: A few kisses and caresses, some oral action in various erogenous zones... has foreplay been getting boringly predictable? If your pre-sex moves can anticipated, it’s not a good sign. Take your partner by surprise... try something new (for example, suck his toes or caress him with a feather), or simply change the order of foreplay activities.

Be the boss: Taking charge in the bedroom can be a huge rush. For you, as well as for him. You don’t have to be a whip-wielding, leather-sporting dominatrix for this, of course. Simply tell him what to do, to himself and to you. And what not to do until you “allow” him to. Grrr!

Experiment away: A new position (that doesn’t require you to be a contortionist), new bedroom accessories (the likes of sex-compatible food, sensuous music or some naughty toys) or a new bedroom buddy (the human kind)... here are a few more tips.

Start and stop: And then, there’s always the classic start-and-stop technique to fall back on. This is mainly about the man controlling his urge to come. Just when he’s nearing the pinnacle of pleasure, he abruptly stops/slows down and starts from scratch. It could take a while for your bodies to get used to the start-and-stop rhythm.

Talk away: Be it sweet nothings or dirrrrty, nasty somethings, a little talk between the sheets can be sensuous fun. Start with ”innocent” remarks about how hot and desirable he is, how you would like to devour him, throw around a few sex terms and allude to some naughty things you would you would like to try.

Don’t forget afterplay: Falling asleep right after sex all the time is a huge post-coital turn-off. Your partner isn’t a sleeping pill. You've just shared something beautiful; why not prolong the pleasure a little by indulging in a few kisses, caresses and whispers?

There’s a difference between full-blown sex and a quickie. A few tips to enjoy the former in all its mind-blowing glory.

Change foreplay: A few kisses and caresses, some oral action in various erogenous zones... has foreplay been getting boringly predictable? If your pre-sex moves can anticipated, it’s not a good sign. Take your partner by surprise... try something new (for example, suck his toes or caress him with a feather), or simply change the order of foreplay activities.

Be the boss: Taking charge in the bedroom can be a huge rush. For you, as well as for him. You don’t have to be a whip-wielding, leather-sporting dominatrix for this, of course. Simply tell him what to do, to himself and to you. And what not to do until you “allow” him to. Grrr!

Experiment away: A new position (that doesn’t require you to be a contortionist), new bedroom accessories (the likes of sex-compatible food, sensuous music or some naughty toys) or a new bedroom buddy (the human kind)... here are a few more tips.

Start and stop: And then, there’s always the classic start-and-stop technique to fall back on. This is mainly about the man controlling his urge to come. Just when he’s nearing the pinnacle of pleasure, he abruptly stops/slows down and starts from scratch. It could take a while for your bodies to get used to the start-and-stop rhythm.

Talk away: Be it sweet nothings or dirrrrty, nasty somethings, a little talk between the sheets can be sensuous fun. Start with ”innocent” remarks about how hot and desirable he is, how you would like to devour him, throw around a few sex terms and allude to some naughty things you would you would like to try.

Don’t forget afterplay: Falling asleep right after sex all the time is a huge post-coital turn-off. Your partner isn’t a sleeping pill. You've just shared something beautiful; why not prolong the pleasure a little by indulging in a few kisses, caresses and whispers?